Play is the context in which children learn and actively engage with the natural environment.
Our Philosophy.
At Carina Kindergarten we are committed to providing a warm, safe, nurturing, engaging and responsive environment where children are empowered to make decisions about their own learning.
We aim to build collaborative partnerships with families and community to enhance their feeling of belonging.
We recognise and value the experiences, knowledge, ideas and culture each family brings to the programme.
Play is the context in which children learn and actively engage with the natural environment, their peers and nurturing adults. Through spontaneous play experiences and the provision of intentional teaching strategies, staff will build on and extend children’s knowledge.
Each child is supported to develop confidence and resilience in relationships with their peers.
We will provide an engaging and stimulating physical environment.
Effective safety, health and hygiene practices are promoted and modelled at all times.
Staff and committees work closely together to ensure a professional learning community is maintained.